Red Moose With 5 Things to Look for When Buying Shoes - Red Moose

Red Moose With 5 Things to Look for When Buying Shoes

At Red Moose, we're all about making sure that your shoes always look their best with our complete line of products, but the process starts with you making sure that you pick out a good pair of shoes to begin with.

A great pair of shoes will help you look and feel your best along with providing enough support to prevent injuries. With that in mind, here are five things to look for when buying a new pair of shoes.

1. Come Prepared

When you're heading to the store, you want to be fully prepared. You should shop in the afternoon because your feet naturally expand a bit as the day goes on and could swell in hot weather. Also be sure to wear the same style of socks that you are planning to wear with the shoes that you buy.

2. A Stiff, Solid Heel

The heel should not bend, and you can test the shoe for this quality by grabbing the heel in one hand and the shoe above the heel with the other hand. Try moving your hands side to side—the shoe should not move as you do this.

3. Room for the Toes

On the other hand (or foot, in this case), the shoe should have some give in the toe area. The shoe should bend slightly where your toes bend, and they need to be wide and long enough so the toes don't curl or otherwise get pushed in.

4. Inspect the Shoes

Feel the inside to see if there are any seams, tags, or anything else that may irritate your feet or cause blisters after wearing them for a day. As far as the outside goes, check to see if the soles are sturdy and strong enough to protect your feet in case you step on anything sharp.

5. Trust Your Judgment

Above all, when trying on the shoe, don't settle for it if it's uncomfortable. You may break them in a bit, but generally, you want your foot to feel comfortable in a shoe right away. Sit, stand, and walk around the store in the shoe before purchasing.

Once you have your perfect pair, count on Red Moose for all the polish, brushes, and other accessories you need to keep them looking sharp for years and possibly decades to come.

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